Worship Service for Sunday, February 9th is canceled due to the weather
The Annual Meeting will be held immediately following worship on February 16th
Open Pantry
The Monson Open Pantry distributes food locally and assists more than 25 families here in town.
If you know of anyone who lives in Monson and is dealing with food insecurity, please encourage them to call Candace Erickson, Director of Monson Open Pantry, and ask for an application. Her number is (413) 596-2482.
The Open Pantry operates out of the lower level of First Church. That is where any new client would pick up food on the monthly distribution date.
Food may be dropped off on any Sunday and left in the collection baskets in the Narthex.
Delivery to the Open Pantry takes place on the third Sunday of every month.
In addition, Sponsored Project funds provide items like milk, bread, meat, and cheese.
Although the congregation of the First Church of Monson supports the Monson Open Pantry with monetary donations and gifts of non-perishable foods, the Open Panty is a separate entity from the church. The First Church of Monson has no control over the decisions made by the Monson Open Pantry.