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Boards & Committees

The Board of Trustees manages the business and material affairs of the church, other than the Investment Funds. They are responsible for ensuring that church property is cared for to the extent that funding permits.  A term of service is normally three (3) years with the option of being re-elected one additional term.  In addition, the Board  of  Trustees is responsible for the oversight of the administrative staff and custodial staff.


The Board of Deacons assist the Minister in the spiritual affairs of the Church. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, preparing and serving the elements in the Communion service; securing pulpit substitutes and ushers; calling upon the sick, shut-ins, and prospective new members; conducting a bi-annual review of membership; serving on the Pastor Parish Relations Committee; conducting an annual performance review of the Minister in consultation with the Pastor Parish Relations Committee; and recommending any changes in the Minister's salary, tenure of office, or duties. A term of service is normally three (3) years with the option of being re-elected one additional term yielding a total of no more than six (6) years. In some cases, a person may fill an unexpired term of fewer than three years.


The Stewardship Committee conducts a program of stewardship education, conducts an annual pledge program, organizes an annual budget to be approved by the Church Council, and coordinates major capital improvement fund raising.


The Christian Education Committee develops and enhances the spiritual growth of the church community. In order to accomplish this, our educational programs must be rooted in biblical and historic Christian faith; welcome people of all ages to participate in training and enrichment activities; offer a nurturing and supportive environment; and provide guidance that will enable people to incorporate their Christian faith in their daily lives.  Responsibilities of Christian Education include promotion of an effective year-round program of Christian Education for all ages, oversight the work of the Sunday School Superintendent, and conducts an annual performance review of the Sunday School Superintendent.


The Music Committee, consisting of six (6) members, meets monthly with the Director of Music Ministry to exchange ideas, give feedback, and provide support. The Director is evaluated by the committee yearly after a review of his/her job performance. The committee hires musicians for special music and to serve as organ substitutes, arranges for piano and organ tuning, and organizes fundraisers, such as dinner concerts, to help defray expenses. Two (2) members shall be elected annually for a term of three (3) years.


The Outreach Committee meets once per month for about 2 hours.  The Committee shall promote mission activities within the Church, conduct special offerings for the UCC, keep members informed concerning the wider local, national, and global outreach of the Church, and stimulate financial support for these missions.


The Pastor Parish Relations Committee shall build and maintain a healthy relationship between the Minister and the congregation by providing the Minister with a confidential forum to test ideas, share concerns, and seek feedback and by providing the congregation with a forum to give feedback and support to the Minister.


Members-at-Large are voting members of Church Council. They represent the congregation at council meetings, bringing to the council’s attention questions, concerns, and comments from members of the congregation.


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