Worship Service for Sunday, February 9th is canceled due to the weather
The Annual Meeting will be held immediately following worship on February 16th
Covenant of Respect
We as members of the First Church of Monson aspire to promote the Kingdom of God by helping to bring persons into a closer relationship with God and into a better relationship with each other. We recognize that conflict and disagreement are normal and natural. We must work toward a safe environment where differing viewpoints are welcomed, sought, heard, and accepted. As followers of Jesus Christ, we promise to respect each other at all times in the following ways:
R We will choose to forgive and
respect one another as we are
always forgiven by God.
(Luke 11:4)
E We will speak face-to-face, honestly
with empathy when there is
disagreement. (Ephesians 4:15)
S We will support the final outcome
when we as a group arrive at a
decision. (1 Corinthians 1:10)
P We will approach all things
(1 Thessalonians 5:17)
E We will speak from our own
personal experience, using “I”
statements. (1 Corinthians 3:16)
C We will ask an intermediary to be
present to help us if we are unable
to communicate with one
another. (Matthew 18:16)
T We will listen with an open and
non-judgmental mind and try as
hard to understand as to be
understood. (Proverbs 4:7)
Adopted by Church Council, January 9, 2022 and the First Church Monson, February 6, 2022.
Based on the Covenant of Respect of Memorial Congregational Church, Sudbury, Massachusetts and used with permission.