Worship Service for Sunday, February 9th is canceled due to the weather
The Annual Meeting will be held immediately following worship on February 16th
Loaves and Fishes

The Loaves and Fishes program involves preparing a casserole or side dish that is taken to South Congregational Church in Springfield and shared with anyone in need of a meal. We do this on the second Monday of every month.
You can be involved in the Loaves and Fishes program by preparing a main dish casserole or a side dish. If you opt to make a casserole, we give you a casserole pan and the recipe, either a chicken and rice dish or, on alternate months, a mock lasagna casserole. You buy the ingredients and bring the finished casserole to First Church the Sunday before our serving date. To accommodate busy schedules, you can make the casserole ahead of time and put it in the church freezer.
We are currently preparing cooked carrots as a side dish but, starting in June, we switch from carrots to salad. Cooked carrots can also be made ahead of time and frozen.
Just let the coordinators know that the items are in the freezer.
You can also be involved by going to South Congregational Church and helping to serve the meal. We usually travel together from First Church leaving at 3 p.m., but servers sometimes meet us at South Congregational at 4 p.m. because that works best in their schedules.
If you are interested in being a part of this program or would like to know more about it you may contact the Church Office at 413-267-3312 or office@firstchurchmonson.org.